Wyśniona historia kina na Podlasiu - plakat
Wyśniona historia kina na Podlasiu - plakat

"The Dreamed History of Film in Podlasie" with the participation of Coincidentia

The Kaufman Bros & Sista collective - Tomasz Adamski (film expert from the University of Białystok, independent filmmaker) and Maciej Rant (originator of the action Filmowe Podlasie Attakuje! and the ŻUBROFFKA festival, independent filmmaker) - are working on the book "Białystok and Podlasie on the Screen. The history of film in Podlasie ”. The prelude to the book is an exhibition of photography in the wet collodion technique - "The Dreamed History of Film in Podlasie" - made as part of the Wschód Kultury / Inny Wymiar festival together with Andrzej Górski, photographer and reconstructor of 19th-century photography. The Coincidentia Group had the pleasure to participate in this magical project. The effects are presented in the foyer of the Forum Cinema in Białystok from 19 to 21 August.

More information about the project